The Spicy Ranch Heat Guide: Which Spicy Flavor Suits Your Taste Buds?

The Spicy Ranch Heat Guide: Which Spicy Flavor Suits Your Taste Buds?

We get it. Some people don’t want a five-alarm fire in their mouth. But, then again, many of you love the burn of a good hot sauce. So we’ve broken down our spicy ranch flavors to help you gauge the kind of “hot” that’s right for you.

  1. 1
    Spicy Secret Sauce

    Spicy Secret Sauce

    If you love tongue-tingling food that bites back, add a dab of Spicy Ranch flavor to your next meal. This creamy flavor bomb of a sauce comes in a handy squirt bottle, perfect for adding a kick of zesty heat to tacos and more.

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  2. 2
    Hidden Valley® Spicy Ranch Topping & Dressing

    Hidden Valley® Spicy Ranch Topping & Dressing

    Add some spice to your life with the peppery taste of habanero. This tangy gluten-free dressing delivers just the right touch of spicy heat to any dish to balance out the cool, creamy ranch flavor you love.

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  3. 3
    Spicy Seasoning

    Spicy Seasoning

    Our magical ranch blend of buttermilk, garlic and onion flavors mixed with mild heat of aged chiles and red peppers adds a bold twist to our classic ranch seasoning in a convenient shaker. Measure it out or shake it right on your favorites for just the right amount of smooth ranch and spicy zing.

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