Hidden Valley HolidayHam

- ¾ cup
- 3 tablespoons
- 2 tablespoons
apple cider vinegar
- 1 packet (1 ounce)
- 1 (3-5 pounds)
whole, bone-in, smoked ham
- 2 teaspoons
whole cloves
For safe meat preparation, reference the USDA website.
For dips, make and enjoy your dip creation. Then, refrigerate within 2 hours or discard.
- 1
Preheat oven to 325°F.
- 2
In a small saucepan over medium-low heat, combine the honey, mustard, vinegar and seasoning mix and stir until well blended.
- 3
Score top of the ham in a diamond pattern and stud the center of each diamond with a whole clove. Drizzle the sauce over the ham and bake for 20 minutes per pound or until until the sauce turns to a glaze and an internal temperature of 140°F is reached.
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