{% set breakpoints = { xs: 1, sm: 480, md: 768, lg: 1024, xl: 1280, xxl: 1600, xxxl: 1920 } %} {# wordpress image id (does not apply for videos) %} {% will resize automatically based on configuration #} {% set resizeConfig = resizeConfig|default({ xs: [640, 640], xl: [800, 800], xxl: [1024, 1024] }) %} {# aspect ratio (square, portrait, landscape, landscape-video) #} {% set classes = aspectRatio ? classes ~ ' aspect-ratio aspect-ratio--' ~ aspectRatio : classes %} {% set classes = isFitContain ? classes ~ ' is-fit-contain' : classes %} {% set classes = isFitCover ? classes ~ ' is-fit-cover' : classes %} {% if isButtonChild %} {% else %}
{% endif %} {% if wordpressId and resizeConfig and scaleByHeight %} {# if wordpressId exists and configuration is defined, dynamically create breakpoints #} {# save smallest image size for default load #} {% set imageSizeSmallest = [] %} {# create source elements for each breakpoint #} {% for key, breakpoint in breakpoints|reverse %} {% if resizeConfig[key]|default("") %} {% set imageSize = resizeConfig[key] %} {% set imageSizeSmallest = imageSizeSmallest|length == 0 or imageSize[0] < imageSizeSmallest[0] ? imageSize : imageSizeSmallest %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {# default #} {{ alt|default(get_image(wordpressId).alt) }} {% elseif wordpressId and resizeConfig %} {# if wordpressId exists and configuration is defined, dynamically create breakpoints #} {# save smallest image size for default load #} {% set imageSizeSmallest = [] %} {# create source elements for each breakpoint #} {% for key, breakpoint in breakpoints|reverse %} {% if resizeConfig[key]|default("") %} {% set imageSize = resizeConfig[key] %} {% set imageSizeSmallest = imageSizeSmallest|length == 0 or imageSize[0] < imageSizeSmallest[0] ? imageSize : imageSizeSmallest %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {# default #} {{ alt|default(get_image(wordpressId).alt) }} {% else %} {# manual image sizes #} {% if srcXL %} {% endif %} {% if srcTablet %} {% endif %} {% if srcMobile %} {% endif %} {{ alt }} {% endif %} {% if isButtonChild %} {% else %}
{% endif %}